Conference program
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List of plenary & invited speakers of FNP-2024
Workshop I. Nonlinear dynamics and its applications in geophysics and astrophysics
- Pavel Berloff, United Kingdom, Imperial College London, "Oceanic Vortex Pulsars"
- Alexander Dyachenko, Russia, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, "The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation and Canonical Transformation"
- Jing-fang Fan, China, Beijing Normal University, "Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth system"
- Denis Goldobin, Russia, Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS, "High-Order Schemes of Exponential Time Differencing for Stiff Systems with Nondiagonal Linear Part"
- Susanna Gordleeva, Russia, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, "Neuromorphic Memory in Spiking Neuron-Astrocyte Network"
- Andrey Gritsun, Russia, Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of RAS, "National model of the Earth's climate system: current state, areas of use and development prospects"
- Neelima M. Gupte, India, Dept of Physics IIT Madras, "Climate network analysis of extreme events: Tropical Cyclones"
- Anatoly Kamchatnov, Russia, Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN), "Asymptotic integrability of nonlinear wave equations"
- Anatoly Karavaev, Russia, Saratov State University "Assessing the level of cognitive workload and stress using biosignal analysis"
- Nathan Kleeorin, Israel, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department Mechanical Engineering, Beer-Sheba, "Prediction of solar activity using a neural network controlled by a solar dynamo model"
- Vladimir Kocharovsky, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, "Decay of a strong discontinuity and current filamentation in plasma"
- Michael Kurgansky, Russia, A.M. Obukhov Inst. of Atmospheric Physics, "Mean flow induced by longitudinal libration of a fluid-filled rotating container bounded by two conical surfaces"
- Evgeny Kuznetsov, Russia, Lebedev Physical Institute, “Formation and stability of magnetic filaments in convective zone of the Sun”
- Boris Malomed, Israel, Tel Aviv Univesruty, "Multidimesional solitons"
- Evgeny Mareev, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, "Lightning: more and more puzzles"
- Ivan Oseledets, Russia, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Skoltech "Artificial intelligence in physics"
- Daniil Sergeev, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics RAS, "Microphysics of the air-sea interaction at high winds and its role in the dynamics and thermodynamics of severe sea storms"
- Nikolay Zubarev, Russia, Institute of Electrophysics, UB RAS, "Self-similar growth of conic cusps on the liquid metal surface in an electric field"
Workshop II. Extreme-field physics and nonlinear processes in laser-matter interactions
- Nikolay Andreev, Russia, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, "Experiments and modeling on high energy particles and gamma rays in relativistic laser-matter interaction"
- Sergey Babin, Russia, Institute of Automation and Electrometry of SB RAS, "Effects of nonlinear interaction of modes in CW multicore fiber lasers"
- Gabriel Bleotu, Romania, ELI-NP, "Post compression experiments for the intensity increase of TW and PW scale"
- Valery Bychenkov, Russia, Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, "On the way to effective laser-based radiation-nuclear sources"
- Liangliang Ji, China, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Extreme field physics and the 10/100 PW lasers at SIOM"
- Efim Khazanov, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, "Grating compressor optimization aiming maximum focal intensity"
- Philipp Korneev, Russia, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, "Orbital Angular Momentum exchange in interaction of structured laser beams with electrons and low-density plasma"
- Sergey Makarov, Russia, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, "High resolution x-ray imaging of microscale plasma hydrodynamics phenom-ena with XFEL probe: advantages and limits at modern facilities"
- Sergey Rykovanov, Russia, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, "Twisted high harmonics and attosecond pulses in plasma"
- Andrei Savel'ev, Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University, "Electron acceleration with high repetition rate table top lasers"
- Alexander Shkurinov, Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State Unviersity, "The maser effect in molecular crystals"
- Jianda Shao, China, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Status of SEL-100PW Project"
- Alexander Sergeev, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, to be announced
- Alexander Soloviev, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, "Laser plasma interaction at the petawatt laser complex PEARL"
- Mikhail Starodubtsev, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, "Key technologies for XCELS"
- Grigory Trubnikov, Russia, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, "NICA collider complex at JINR: physics and lyrics"
Workshop III. Sources and applications of strong microwaves, modern trends in nuclear fusion
- Ilya Abramov, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, “Extreme ultraviolet light source based on xenon plasma: fundamentals, recent results and prospects for lithography”
- Andrey Arzhannikov, Russia, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch RAS, “Nonlinear processes in beam-plasma system at pumping plasma waves by high-current REB”
- Petr Bagryansky, Russia, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch RAS, “Open type magnetic traps in the World and Russia”
- Gregory Denisov, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, “Gyro-devices. State-of-the-art and trends of development”
- Evgeny Donets, Russia, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, “Basic research with Electron String Ion Sources (ESIS)”
- Evgeniy Gusakov, Russia, Ioffe Institute, “Nonlinear wave phenomena in the magnetic fusion ECRH experiments”
- Alexander Karpov, Russia, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, “Superheavy elements at JINR, Dubna”
- Anatoly Krasilnikov, Russia, ITER Project Center (ROSATOM), to be announced
- Shixiang Peng, China, Peking University, “High Intensity Compact 2.45 GHz PMECR Ion Source and Its Fundamental Physics”
- Vadim Skalyga, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, “Prospects of multicharged ions formation in a dense ECR plasma, sustained by powerful millimeter waves”
- Sergey Samsonov, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, “Broadband gyrotron-type devices with zigzag quasi-optical transmission line”
- Alexander Shalasov, Russia, A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, “Kinetic instabilities of a mirror confined plasma driven by strong electron-cyclotron heating”
- Stanislav Sinitsky, Russia, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch RAS, “Pumping waves in vacuum and plasma with a high-current electron beam for generation of a multi-megawatt flux of mm/submm-radiation”
- Nikolay Vinokurov, Russia, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch RAS, “Energy Conservation Equations of Motion”
- Alexei Voronov, Russia, State Research Centre of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, “Implementation of rhe federal project "Development of controlled thermonuclear fusion and innovative plasma technologies" within "RTTS" program at SRC RF TRINITI”
- Huanyu Zhao, China, Institute of Modern Physics CAS, “High intensity ion beams for HIAF: challenges and perspectives”